Gravity Happens Page 5
“One time and I was putting the vacuum around for ages.”
I laughed as I went into the fridge, grabbing the milk and then the cereal box from the cupboard. “Want some?” I asked him.
“Sure.” He walked past me and grabbed two bowls from the cupboard and placed them down in front of me.
I tensed as I felt his minty breath blow across the back of my neck. He stayed behind me for a moment before I felt him move away from me and take the seat on the other side of the worktop.
“What time do you finish your shift?”
“Uh…” I was flustered from his close proximity to me and couldn’t answer him for a moment. “Uh, two pm. You?”
“Normal time. Five thirty.”
I quickly poured the milk over our cereal and moved the bowl and a spoon closer to him.
“Thanks.” He scooped a spoon of flakes into his mouth and asked his next question. “Did you have plans with Christopher tonight?”
“Yes. We had made plans to go and see a movie, but I can call him and re-arrange.” I winced at him. “Does that make me a bitch?”
“No.” He laughed at me. “Just tell him that you have a date with me.” He winked at me and devoured another spoonful.
“I’m sure he will love that,” I mocked.
“Is he the jealous type?” he asked me. He looked so serious.
“No.” I shook my head to emphasise my point. “I mean, I don’t think so.” I frowned at him, thinking it over. “I guess I don’t know him well enough to know that.”
“Well, if it’s going to cause problems—”
“No.” I spooned some cereal into my mouth before continuing. “No. It won’t be a problem.”
We finished the rest of our breakfast chatting about the Game of Thrones marathon he had been having as I dumped our bowls in the sink and escaped to my bedroom to get ready for work.
After a quick shower and change into my work uniform, I was grabbing my bag and leaving the apartment. “I’ll see you later!” I called, stopping at the door and wishing like hell I hadn’t.
Thomas came out of the bathroom dripping wet with only a towel wrapped around his waist.
I stared at him, my eyes following the water droplets moving down over his way-too-perfect chest.
“See you later, Laur!” He grinned at me and I knew that he’d caught me staring.
I turned away and quickly left the apartment, feeling embarrassment stinging my cheeks at being caught ogling my best friend.
Just fucking kill me now.
After finishing my shift at two pm I took a seat outside on a bench, grabbing my phone and calling Christopher. It only rang a few times and then he picked up.
“Hey, Lauren. You just finished?” He sounded so chipper and I hated to ruin it.
“Hey. I’m sorry to call so late, but I’m going to have to cancel our movie date tonight.” I cringed, waiting for his response.
“Oh.” He sounded disappointed. “Is everything okay?”
“Yes.” I nodded my head, rolling my eyes at myself. “I made plans with Thomas to go tree shopping. We haven’t seen much of each other lately and I… I thought it’d be nice for us to spend some time together. I’m sorry.” A moment of silence passed between us until he spoke.
“No, that’s okay.” Sound of movement trailed down the line. “Am I still seeing you tomorrow?” he asked. “We had a night of drinks and dancing planned with the boys. Remember?”
“I remember,” I quickly agreed. It was a lie, but I didn’t want him to know that. It’d only cause problems and make him feel worse. “I’ll see you there tomorrow evening? Around eight pm?”
“Okay, see you there. Have fun tonight with Thomas.”
“Thank you, Christopher. Bye.” I quickly hung up and walked down to the book shop before going further down to The Gadget Shop at the end of the street. As I browsed around, I still wasn’t sure what else to get Thomas for Christmas. Plus, I had no clue what to get for Christopher nor was I even sure if he and I would be getting presents for each other. We were dating, but I didn’t think it was anything more serious than that. Referring to him as my boyfriend sounded silly, especially as we hadn’t even talked about us being a couple.
Shaking my head, I looked at my watch, cringing when I saw I only had ten minutes to get to Dominic’s bar.
Twenty minutes later, I was going through the door, giggling when I saw Thomas leaning up against the bar with a bottle of Budweiser in his hand.
“She’s finally here!” Luke teased from behind him. “I was starting to think you had forgotten.”
“Don’t start.” I took a seat next to Thomas and stared towards the kitchen. “Is, uh, is Christopher still here?”
“No.” Luke shook his head. “He left early today. Finished around four pm.”
“Oh.” I could feel my shoulders slump. “Did he… Was he okay?”
Luke shook his head at me, silently urging me to shut up before Thomas chirped up.
“Well, when he ripped my head off after your phone call…” He raised his eyebrows at me.
“I’m sorry,” I quickly apologised. “I think I put my foot in it.”
“Don’t worry about it.” Thomas downed the last of his bottle and reached for my hand and pulled me off the stool. “Let’s go and find our tree, then!”
“Bye Luke!” I waved at him before being tugged out the door by Thomas and going to pick our tree out.
“I still say we bought the wrong tree!” Thomas huffed as we carried our boxed, fake tree up the stairs. “We should have gotten the fibre optic one.”
“What?” I shrieked. I took a few more stepped up the stairs, trying to keep up with him. “We already have lights!”
A few more steps and we were finally on our landing and standing outside our apartment. Thomas quickly unlocked the door and kicked it open as he picked up his end of the box and helped guide us through the door.
“I just figured it’d be less work for us.”
I let my end of the box go, allowing him to dump it against the wall as I turned to close the door.
“But…”—he grinned at me and unzipped his coat—“I forgot who I was dealing with.” He threw his coat on the back of the sofa and took a seat.
“You love my festive side.” I unbuttoned my coat, throwing it towards him, impressed when he caught it. “Let’s go, princess!” I clapped my hands at him, urging him to get up.
“What?” He looked at me confused before he caught on. “You want to decorate it now?”
I rolled my eyes at him. “Really? You expected us to just leave our tree boxed up, collecting dust?” I shook my head at him. “You unbox the tree and I’ll get our decorations.” I left him to it, giggling when I heard him huffing behind me as I went to rummage beneath my bed. I smiled when I realised how much fun I’d had tree shopping with him tonight but tried not to dwell too much on the realisation that it was more fun than I’d ever had with Christopher.
Going into The Ivy Lounge, I cringed when I saw Christopher and Lauren sitting on a comfy leather sofa near the entrance to the lobby. Bass music sounded from further into the club, and I knew that tonight was going to test me.
Christopher looked up at me before he placed his hand on Lauren’s leg. She smiled up at him, putting her hand on his until she turned her head up and kissed his lips.
Tonight wasn’t going to go fucking well.
“Hey, guys.” I moved forwards and took a seat next to Lauren. “You’re looking very sparkly tonight.”
“Sparkly and beautiful,” Christopher said, butting in.
She blushed at his words before she quickly changed the subject. “Where is Luke?” she asked me.
“He’s outside on the phone.” A few of the boys walked in, giving us a wave as they went past us further into the club. “The owner of Dominic’s rang him as we got out of the taxi, but he should be in any minute.”
She smiled up at me, nodding h
er head. “There he is!” She stood and Christopher’s arm immediately wound around her waist.
“My happy threesome!” he mocked, bending down to kiss Lauren’s cheek. “You’re looking very gorgeous tonight, sugar.”
“Oh, shut up!” She stepped forward and linked her arm with his, letting him lead her in front of us. “You know stuff like that embarrasses me.”
“Come on. You know whatever man you have with you has a beauty on his arm when he’s with you.” He winked at her as she went over to a high table in the corner.
“This is going to be tricky.” She giggled, eyeing the high stool before placing her purse on the table.
I went toward her, not stopping until my hands were hovering over her hips. “Let me help.” I lifted her easily and placed her ass down on the high chair. I knew I shouldn’t have done it. I knew I should have left it for Christopher, but I couldn’t help myself.
“Uh, thanks.” She stared at me surprised before she crossed her legs. Her dress rode up a little and it made me just want to carry her back out of this place and take her home where it would just be me and her.
I stepped back and clapped Luke on the shoulder, nodding my head to the bar.
“Let’s get some drinks.”
I stood at the bar, flicking my eyes around, and noticed the dance floor was on the floor above us which left tables and chairs littered around on this floor. It was a little quiet but I was sure it was going to get busy as the night went on.
“What the fuck was that?” Luke asked. He had a cocky smirk on his face, and I knew that what I’d done back there was bad. “You do realise her boyfriend is with us, right?” He laughed.
I looked over my shoulder to where Lauren, Christopher and a few of the boys were sitting. Christopher was talking to a few of the boys, but Lauren was staring over here. The second she saw me, she turned away and began fidgeting with her purse.
“Dude!” He widened his eyes at me and turned me back to face the bar. “What the hell are you doing?”
I shook my head at him and ordered some drinks for the four of us. As I waited for the barman, I stared at Lauren in the reflection of the mirror, grinning when I saw her repeatedly flicking her eyes over here.
“I’m serious, man. I know I joked about things between you two, but it’s Lauren. You can’t fuck around with her as you do with the others.” He put his hand on my shoulder and turned me to face him. “She’s not easy like the rest of them are.”
“I know that!” I snapped. “And I know I’m late to see what I’ve been missing and what’s always been right in front of me, but I’m ready now. I want her.” I grabbed my pint of cider and Lauren’s glass of gin. “And what I want, I get.” I turned away and left him at the bar, grinning when I saw Christopher look over and narrow his eyes at me.
“Here you go, Laur.” I slid her glass of gin and lemonade in front of her.
“Ooh, what flavour is it?” she asked as she reached for the straw and stirred the ice in the glass.
“Guess,” I teased. I sat opposite her and took a swig of my pint, wiping the froth off my lip. “Luke is bringing yours, Christopher.” He nodded at my words and we both turned back to Lauren and watched her take a pull from the straw.
Her face lit up as the sweet taste registered with her. “Palma violet! My favourite.” She grinned at me and tasted another sip
“Here we go!” Luke put two pints on the table and passed one to Christopher.
“Take a seat, man,” I said, nodding my head to the empty chair at my side closest to the wall.
“Nope.” He shook his head and took a gulp from his glass. “First,” he said, putting his glass down on the table and turned to Lauren. “First dance is mine.” He held his hand out to her. “Let’s go, beautiful.”
She took it and, leaving her purse on the table, allowed him to pull her towards one of the staircases that led to the dancefloor upstairs.
I looked back at Christopher, silently hating Luke when I realised it was now just me and him at the table now.
He shuffled over and took Lauren’s seat. At first, I thought he was going elsewhere but he stopped and just stared at me.
“Problem?” I asked. I wasn’t usually that blunt with someone I classed as a friend, but the way he was watching me was making me agitated.
“I think so,” he said. “I’m not blind, Thomas.”
“I never said you were.”
“I see the way you look at her. I see the way that your eyes linger on what’s mine.”
“Excuse me?” Mine. Who the fuck did he think he was to speak about Lauren like that? “She’s not an object, Christopher. She’s a person.”
“Yes, she is.” He stared past me to the stairs and stood up. “You had your chance with her, and you missed it. Now it’s my chance, and I’m not going to waste it as you did.” He walked away, leaving me glaring after him as he went to the staircase.
Cheeky little shit.
“Hey.” Luke’s hand clapped down on my shoulder before he took Lauren’s empty seat. “What did I miss?”
I gazed up to the balcony and my eyes zeroed in on Christopher and Lauren dancing together. I ground my teeth when I saw them both swaying to the beat. He had his arms around her waist and her hands were wound around his shoulders.
“Did he say something to you?” Luke asked, diverting my attention back to him.
“Apparently Lauren is his.” I raised my eyebrow at him. I knew my tone was condescending, but it pissed me off the way that he laid claim to her. I knew she was with him. I didn’t need it fucking pointed out for me.
“Oh, shit.” His eyes went back to the staircase, and I knew they were both coming back down. “What are you going to do?”
“Nothing.” I shook my head. “It’s not up to me. Lauren decides what she wants and who she wants. I just need to show her that she has more options than him.”
“You fancy a dance?” Christopher and Luke were at the bar ordering us cocktails and it was probably the first time all night that Christopher had left Lauren’s side since her dance with Luke.
“My feet!” She was pouting now. “They are killing me.”
“Stop whining.” I got off my chair and grabbed her hand. “Come on. You haven’t danced with me all night. Let’s go.”
“Fine.” She let me pull her from the stool. “Watch my purse, boys,” she called to the rest of the gang as she allowed me pull her up the staircase.
I led her onto the dancefloor, placing my hand on her lower back and gently guided her closer to me.
“This is different. I don’t think we have ever danced together.” She wound her arms around my shoulders, tossing her dark locks to the side.
Fuck me. She looked sexy as hell when she did that.
“You wound me with your insult,” I joked. “We danced at school parties together all the time.”
“No!” she disagreed, grinning at me. “You took me to dances but you always left me to go make out with a girl.”
“Okay, that’s true,” I conceded, “but I always came back, didn’t I? I mean, we always went together, and we always came home together.”
“Please.” She rolled her eyes at me. “No boy would ever ask me to dance because they all thought I was your half-sister or something.” Her eyes trailed down to my chest before back up to my eyes.
We were joking but I could see that whatever she was thinking about had bothered her.
“Uh…” She pulled her arms from me and took a step away. “I need the bathroom.”
“Okay.” I nodded, frowning when she shot away from me in the direction of the ladies' toilets.
What the hell had just happened?!
I stared down at the table, relieved when I saw Luke and Christopher were sitting at it. Right now, I needed a talk with Lauren, and I didn’t need anyone interrupting it.
I walked across the dancefloor towards the ladies' toilets, letting out a sigh of relief when I saw that there wasn’t a queue outside. Ducking
through the door, I was happy when I saw there was only one cubicle door of the three closed shut. I leaned against the wall, trying to shake off my nerves at what I was about to do, but the way things were, this had obviously been a long time coming.
A flush sounded before the cubicle door opened. She stepped out, appearing surprised when she saw me there. “Uh…” She looked behind her at the cubicles and then gazed around the room. “This is the ladies' toilets. Right?”
“It is.” I nodded my head and pushed away from the wall. “I just thought you and I needed somewhere private to talk.”
She ran the tap and began washing her hands and looked back to me. “What do you want to talk about?” she asked. She shook her hands, flicking water off them as she watched me, waiting for my response.
For the first time in our friendship, I had no words for her. There was nothing I could say that would explain how confused my tornado of emotions was making me feel. I took a step towards her, not stopping. I reached out and took her face in my hands and moved my face down to hers.
Her eyes widened in surprise at me as they drifted closed. She tilted her face up, pressing her lips to mine as I gave in to her. I sucked her bottom lip into my mouth, loving how she tasted of palma violets.
Before I could move it further, she gasped against my mouth and ripped her lips from mine. She pushed against my chest, shoving me backwards as she held her hand against her lips.
“What are you doing?” she shrieked. “This is… You are… I’m with Christopher!”
“No.” I stepped forward and framed her head in my hands. “I want you and I know you want me.” I gazed into her eyes, hating the way they reflected up at me. “I want this. With you. Right here.”
She stared up at me for several moments before a tear broke free.
“I’m sorry, Thomas.” She placed her wet hands over mine and pulled them from her. “I can’t do this.” She rushed past me. “I have to go!” She quickly flung the door open and ran out, leaving me alone.
I dropped my head, feeling regret at my actions. It felt like she was choosing: as she ran away from me, she chose him.